Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Medievial Crusade (Normans and Rus) Byzantine Battles

Pope Urban II

The final Rus'–Byzantine War was, in essence, an, unsuccessful naval raid against Constantinople instigated by Yaroslav I of Kiev and led by his eldest son, Vladimir of Novgorod, in 1043.
The reasons for the war are disputed, as is its course. Michael Psellus, an eyewitness of the battle, left a hyperbolic account detailing how the invading Kievan Rus' were annihilated by a superior Imperial fleet with Greek fire off the Anatolian shore. According to the Slavonic chronicles, the Kievan fleet was destroyed by a tempest.
The Byzantines sent a squadron of 14 ships to pursue the dispersed monoxyla of the Rus'. They were sunk by the Kievan admiral Ivan Tvorimich, who also managed to rescue Prince Vladimir after the shipwreck. A 6,000-strong Kievan contingent under Vyshata, which did not take part in naval action, was captured and deported to Constantinople. Eight hundred of the Rus' prisoners were blinded.
Vyshata was allowed to return to Kiev at the conclusion of the peace treaty three years later. Under the terms of the peace settlement, Yaroslav's son Vsevolod I married a daughter of Emperor Constantine Monomachus. Vsevolod's son by this princess assumed his maternal grandfather's name and became known as Vladimir Monomakh.

 The Battle of Dyrrhachium, fought in the autumn of 1081 between Norman and Byzantine forces is reconstructed using the superb graphical models from Sega's Medieval Total War II. The Battle of Dyrrhachium (near present-day DurrĂ«s in Albania) took place on 18 October 1081, between the Byzantine Empire, led by the Emperor Alexius I Comnenus, and the Normans of Southern Italy under Robert Guiscard, Duke of Apulia and Calabria. The battle was fought outside the city of Dyrrhachium (also known as Durazzo), the Byzantine capital of Illyria, and ended in a Norman victory.


Middle Byzantine Empire, Byzantines and Crusades, From the end of Macedonian Dynasty to Sack of Constantinople (1204). Komnenos Dynasty, Angelos Dynasty, Byzantine-Norman wars, Byzantine-Seljuk wars

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