Monday, March 5, 2018

Get Toxic Media Out of Your Head

Every night an audience of mostly baby boomer aged people watch
primetime news and talk shows. Of course, it is all slanted Anti-Trump and Republican Party. It is much little sound and video bytes for people, several minutes or even less than a minute. Most people will not bother to research these topics.

It is enough to make one who thinks about it all insane.

At most they will listen to what some dimwit whom listens to "edgier"  programs such as Democracy Now! and NPR. Or even worse, some public service employee!

It is true that Trump says some crazy things and many (most) in the GOP are mainly concerned about property taxes.

However your average Republican party bashing person will never take the time to learn about spending and taxes nor the corruption and greed in the media.  Many will also just attack your average citizen whom has conservative, right wing values (gun control, immigration, moral values).

 They will go after law enforcement to arrest and criminally charge said people (whether concerning an arguement on social media or at a "peaceful" protest) and for corporations to fire these said people.

Once these activists (morons) have their way they then attack the very instituions (police and corporations) they claim to care about. They totally forget that Human Resource departments and the police are always on their sides.

Granted many of these cartoonish looking neo-nazi types are useless clowns. However, back to my main point: the media (mainstream news TV stations, newspapers, print publications, radio, the grand wide internet and Hollywood movies) will only focus on said individuals, examine to death something Trump said and avoid the real issues.

The root of these issues? I don't know where to begin with that!

However you can always avoid it all as much as you can.

Even avoid Pro-Trump social media postings!

We have to start living on our own terms and plant the seeds for tomorrow's generations. I am not here to tell you WHAT to do. 

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