This one man group passed away in 1999, leaving behind a mass catalog of music combining minimal electronics and Middle Eastern music.
Here are the links:
Apr 29, 2012 · Was Bryn Jone human? A quick look at his resume and one ponders the question; the guy has over 200 releases credited to his name. I think I remember ...
Feb 13, 2011 · elcome to the Digital Meltd0wn Music Blog. ... a better excuse for me to post up something by my favorite band Muslimgauze, ... Muslimgauze - Port Said ep
Muslimgauze - [Azzazin #06] Azzazin 6
by muslimgauze
Topics azzazin
Muslimgauze - [Azzazin #06] Azzazin 6
1 - Kabul Isn't Free Under A Veil
[MusicBrainz (recording)]
2 - Free From A Veil
Time to come out of the old dusty box for an album by Muslimgauze
named 'Wish of the Flayed' that has for a long time remained under wraps.
Bryn Jones himself gave this album on cassette tape to Steven Wilson (Bass Communion)
during their first meeting on the 3rd of june 1996; the album having been recorded
the day before. (One day for making a whole album is not so surprising for Muslimgauze..).
The master DAT had, seemingly, not been sent to any label, so this recording is the only
proof of the existence of the album. The sound quality not being of the usual standard for
a CD release, Steven and I, with the agreement of the Soleilmoon label, have decided to make this tape available in mp3, free to download for everyone.
I hope many people will enjoy this initiative, the aim of which is only to show, once again,
the genius of Muslimgauze's music.
MUSLIMGAUZE, BOURBONESE QUALK, PUMP, JOHN AVERY, HUMAN FLESH, O YUKI CONJUGATE,... Nombres sagrados que no deben faltar en vuestras mentes. Esta compilación apareció en dos formatos: cassette y LP, aunque por lo que he hablado con el que me lo ha pasado en Soulseek, ésta es una digitalización de la cinta.
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Is Shakespeare Dead?
Is Shakespeare Dead?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Is Shakespeare Dead? is a short, semi-autobiographical work by American humorist Mark Twain. It explores the controversy over the authorship of the Shakespearean literary canon via satire, anecdote, and extensive quotation of contemporary authors on the subject.
Twain's arguments include the following points:
In the book, Twain expounds the view that Shakespeare of Stratford was not the author of the canon, and lends tentative support to the Baconian theory. The book opens with a scene from his early adulthood, where he was trained to be a steamboat pilot by an elder who often argued with him over the controversy.Twain's arguments include the following points:
- That little was known about Shakespeare's life, and the bulk of his biographies were based on conjecture.
- That a number of eminent British barristers and judges found Shakespeare's plays permeated with precise legal thought, and that the author could only have been a veteran legal professional.
- That in contrast, Shakespeare of Stratford had never held a legal position or office, and had only been in court over petty lawsuits late in life.
- That small towns lionize and celebrate their famous authors for generations, but this had not happened in Shakespeare's case. He described his own fame in Hannibal as a case in point.
The book has been described as "one of his least well received and most misunderstood works".[2] Karen Lystra argues that the essay reveals satirical intentions that went beyond the Shakespeare—Bacon controversy of the time, although she admits that Twain appears to have been sincere in his beliefs concerning Shakespeare.[3]Though it is commonly assumed to be nothing more than a stale and embarrassing rehash of the Shakespeare-Bacon controversy, Twain was up to something more than flimsy literary criticism. He was using the debate over Shakespeare's real identity to satirize prejudice, intolerance, and self-importance—in himself as well as others.... But after his passionate diatribe against the "Stratfordolators" and his vigorous support of the Baconians, he cheerfully admits that both sides are built on inference. Leaving no doubt about his satirical intent, Twain then gleefully subverts his entire argument. After seeming to be a serious, even angry, combatant, he denies that he intended to convince anyone that Shakespeare was not the real author of his works. "It would grieve me to know that any one could think so injuriously of me, so uncomplimentarily, so unadmiringly of me," he writes mockingly. "Would I be so soft as that, after having known the human race familiarly for nearly seventy-four years?" We get our beliefs at second hand, he explains, "we reason none of them out for ourselves. It is the way we are made." Twain has set a trap—an elaborate joke at the expense of what he scornfully refers to as the "Reasoning Race." He is satirizing the need to win an argument when it is virtually impossible to convince anyone to change sides in almost any debate. His excessive rhetoric of attack is obviously absurd—calling the other side "thugs," for example—yet it has been taken at face value.[4]
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
More Music (Batman v Superman Soundtrack) and Time Machine (BBC Radio)
Many would say I have a mentally unhealthy attachment to music. Here I am burning a compact disc copy of this soundtrack.
p.s. I will give this movie a chance someday, though it got bad reviews.
Also ripping this, from BBC Radio "The Time Machine".
Monday, September 25, 2017
Generally I follow what are the trends for certain scenes
and years afterward reminisce. I even go as far as creepily bonding with people
I should have been by now avoiding.
However if you want to know about a man whom created and
shaped the culture of his homeland then you need to look no further than this
Friday, September 22, 2017
Misanthropology Label
As I go back through my posts on this blog, I will add label links with each posting so you can read all of each in topic lists.
Misanthropology will be one, for economic, social and political topics.
Misanthropology will be one, for economic, social and political topics.
Blog Visitor Counter
At no cost, have not used it so I can't comment. Other blogs whom have been around for years do use it.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Latest Online Projects of Interest
I am torn about starting a Media Hits/Blitz Facebook group. On the one hand I will be posting items such as this in the group, encouraging members to announce their projects and network with others in the group, etc.
On the other hand I am considering a break from Facebook.
I think what would be best is to try the group and if all fails after a few months then I can call it quits.
The latest Christian McQueen podcast, with his new co-host Goldmund (from Goldmund Unleashed blog). These two have video and audio footage from partying in Las Vegas, now it's all every week for you from NYC!
Episode #95: How To Roll Out Solo
by Christian McQueen
In Episode #95 of A Man in Demand Radio, Goldmund and I share our secrets for rolling out solo. We've been out solo literally thousands of times for over a decade, so we know from whence we speak. Learning how to be comfortable with yourself in social situations without a buddy present or a wingman, […]
Justin Morey on Facebook posts at least 5 times a day, meta political/occult messages with plenty of music recommendations and promoting his own stuff (Radio Vril, DJ Debonoir, etc. on Soundcloud).
On the other hand I am considering a break from Facebook.
I think what would be best is to try the group and if all fails after a few months then I can call it quits.
The latest Christian McQueen podcast, with his new co-host Goldmund (from Goldmund Unleashed blog). These two have video and audio footage from partying in Las Vegas, now it's all every week for you from NYC!
Episode #95: How To Roll Out Solo
by Christian McQueen
In Episode #95 of A Man in Demand Radio, Goldmund and I share our secrets for rolling out solo. We've been out solo literally thousands of times for over a decade, so we know from whence we speak. Learning how to be comfortable with yourself in social situations without a buddy present or a wingman, […]
Justin Morey on Facebook posts at least 5 times a day, meta political/occult messages with plenty of music recommendations and promoting his own stuff (Radio Vril, DJ Debonoir, etc. on Soundcloud).
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Read More (paper print)!
Tips for reading more and watching television/surfing the internet less.
1. Well not for reading less but gets your mind in the rabbit hole/gutter that is from a video screen. That is going out to your nearest karaoke night! I prefer this place downtown on Tuesday nights, with college students, artsy weirdos, etc.
2. Be offline by 10PM and/or television by 11PM. The television would be one hour later because you can gain something by watching the news, interviews or documentaries; and taking notes for later. Whatever that later is! This will ensure you have at least 20 minutes to read before you go to bed.
Sunday, September 3, 2017
C.S. "Jack" Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and Hugo Dyson
Three people make a great conversation.
Here is C.S. "Jack" Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and Hugo Dyson.
Here is C.S. "Jack" Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and Hugo Dyson.
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Gotta Go (Nowhere in Particular)
I quit my full-time job and had gone through one of the roughest winters turned into spring flood in Fargo. I had to get out once again and have another spurt of irresponsibility and end up crashing somewhere in this country and settling there. It did not happen!
I was 32 years old. Still having an inkling for some dance parties and wanting to roam the streets to create art. Philadelphia! Unfortunately I got their for the second time right before that city had its cool creative spurt for a minute. After that the key players had a major fallout.
Eh I then came back and I probably became and am more morbidly depressed than I realize.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Ali Akbar Khan and Frank Sinatra
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Media Hits #16 plus Side Notes
Time for summer weekend action!
I watched again, What Women Want, starring Mel Gibson. Good movie for a female driven romantic comedy. The Mel Gibson character could have used his powers to rule the world but caved into society pressures. He let the Helen Hunt character have the job while at the same time the movie glossed over the mention at the beginning of the movie how her character had a reputation as "a mean lizard woman" or something like that. Of course, this was easily and lazily overlooked because most women and leftists will just chalk this up as men in the corporate world belittling woman, so no effort required.
OK actually this movie sucked, but it had Mel Gibson posessing E.S.P. and he slept with this hot coffee shop girl played by Marisa Tomei.
(Painting by Arnold Friberg)
A Facebook friend posted pictures of this model. Forgot her name!
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Very Short Story (Can you tell me which movie I took the idea from?)
The band pulled into the parking lot of the club. All along
the way the band argued about drugs, the amount of gas cost from the money pot
and each person, etc. What a
chaotic funny mess to the observing
The drummer, a fat 28 year-old with thick rimmed glasses
lets out a belch and laughs, followed by a supposed ice breaker “C’mon brahs! We got the beats and we got the eats!” He is
talking about a pizza they found in a Little Ceaser’s dumpster. This guy is the
only one whom will currently will touch it. Maybe a few hours ago, when they
were at that off-ramp strip mall off of I-94, a couple band members would have
been down.
Boom! They pull into the night club parking lot.There they
walked their cabs and equipment up the sidewalk into the clube and set up. Of
course they contined the argument up to
the beginning of the music set. They had gained some audience members to listen
and laugh. “ha ha nice butt crack!”.
All the audience at the same time was filling up the night
club. People were mingling at the bar. Girls were in the restroom looking at
their hair. Guys were taking dumps or breaking up their drugs in the mens room.
They also were breaking up stuff in their parked cars.
The Narcobananas played a couple fast catchy songs. “raar
rarrar arrew!” Nobody could really understand what they were saying, except for
during the more melodic midpaced parts. Their trombone player even added some
effect to their more “ska” breakdown parts. Those parts got the most easily
danceable attendees to get into this groove.

During the middle of the third song a grey spinning cyclone arose and appeared in the middle of the audience.
The smell of sulfur filled the room. People moved away from it and the band
continued to play for a minute.
A red demon djinni popped out of this twister. He had a
nasty smirk, sharp teeth, red skin crackling with electricity and with yellow
eyes. He turned his head left and right, looking at the audience. Then he
looked at the alter center stage with the band. The venue security looked
nervous and slowly inched towards his demonic fellow.

It then started suffocating the audience members with its
spreading and smothering radiant smoke attack. It was even nastier and deadlier
than any homemade gas canisters. This smoke was emitting perhaps, from it’s anus, finger tips, etc.
Nobody knew! However the way it made people gag, keel over to heave, some plain
standing with blue faces heaving, some with eyes bulging, etc. It ended with
everyone dropping to the floor like flies. This process took less than a
People tried to run from the club but the door handles ( the
long door handles anyway) had scalding hot chains wrapped around them. The screams they let out were reminiscent of
that night club fire in Providence, RI involving Great White.
People received first degree burns when they touched them.
Also some people were running so hard for the door they slammed into people
whom just failed at their attempt at opening the doors. Both parties received
burns from this, on the face, chest, arms, legs, etc. Sadly the ones whom tried
to open the doors first got burnt again this way.
Next he went for the band on stage and stung them with jelly
fish like stinging fingers and poisoned them. The stingers attacked the necks
of all the men on the stage with quick precision. They points javelined into
the necks in split seconds with sharp missle heat seeker accuracy.
Finally the djinni leaves the club with all (or most?) of the
people inside deceased. A smirk on his face with lime green tinted sweat
running down his (it’s?) forehead. The planet earth, especially U.S. cities are
full of clowns, he feels, that need to be erased from the planet. So why not
kill some planet hosts that he feels most people will not miss anyways?
The original plan was to look for body hosts for his macabre
crew of killers. However he just decided to look around and just enjoy the massacre he fulfilled for
himself. Now it is time to find some other soul hosts, and quick before the
police/authorities arrive.
Monday, June 12, 2017
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Social Media Links
This blog will be for links of other social media.
Youtube Channel:
I am on here on Everyday!
Twitter Profile:
I post on here about once or twice a week.
My eBay Store:
On here everyday!
On here about once per month.
Youtube Channel:
I am on here on Everyday!
Twitter Profile:
I post on here about once or twice a week.
My eBay Store:
On here everyday!
On here about once per month.
Friday, February 17, 2017
iPod is Dead!
Someone didn't send me the memo!
Monday, February 13, 2017
Tombstone Pizza Review
Tombstone pizza has new packaging, same old crap crust. Still
the same crust filled with preservatives to help conserve it via freezing
process. One can buy this crap (whether tricked or not) by the dozen and fill a
chest freezer. Oh boy!
Side rant start! This crap is such garbage and massed
produced. Grocery stores are so depressing for me anyway. They are filled with
dork college kids working there. Side rant over!
I knew it was a ruse
but bought anyway. These frozen meals are quite commonly on sale at the super
market near where I live. I am guessing very good that, ok I am sure, that the
entire chain of grocery stores of this company has these on sale.
One fair note is you can have leftovers. It is probably best
you do not eat the whole pizza pie. It will leaving you feeling sick, probably
will, and you will most likely get constipated. At least I do! I eat 3/4 of the
pizza and wrap the rest up for the refrigerator.
I would recommend eating DiGiorgio’s or Orv’s thin crust.
They are better tasting and cost two dollars more. Seriously if you can’t
afford two dollars more than you probably should be making a baked potato.
Actually it would be better if you made a baked potato. Just
get some tin foil and eat this.
Also get some orange
juice on sale, also cucumbers on sale. The cucumbers work well with a juice
maker or a salad.
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