Thursday, September 21, 2017

Latest Online Projects of Interest

I am torn about starting a Media Hits/Blitz Facebook group. On the one hand I will be posting items such as this in the group, encouraging members to announce their projects and network with others in the group, etc.

On the other hand I am considering a break from Facebook.

I think what would be best is to try the group and if all fails after a few months then I can call it quits.

The latest Christian McQueen podcast, with his new co-host Goldmund (from Goldmund Unleashed blog). These two have video and audio footage from partying in Las Vegas, now it's all every week for you from NYC!

Episode #95: How To Roll Out Solo
by Christian McQueen

In Episode #95 of A Man in Demand Radio, Goldmund and I share our secrets for rolling out solo. We've been out solo literally thousands of times for over a decade, so we know from whence we speak. Learning how to be comfortable with yourself in social situations without a buddy present or a wingman, […]

Justin Morey on Facebook posts at least 5 times a day, meta political/occult messages with plenty of music recommendations and promoting his own stuff (Radio Vril, DJ Debonoir, etc. on Soundcloud).

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