Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Very Short Story (Can you tell me which movie I took the idea from?)

The band pulled into the parking lot of the club. All along the way the band argued about drugs, the amount of gas cost from the money pot and each person,  etc. What a chaotic  funny mess to the observing outsider.
The drummer, a fat 28 year-old with thick rimmed glasses lets out a belch and laughs, followed by a supposed ice breaker “C’mon brahs!  We got the beats and we got the eats!” He is talking about a pizza they found in a Little Ceaser’s dumpster. This guy is the only one whom will currently will touch it. Maybe a few hours ago, when they were at that off-ramp strip mall off of I-94, a couple band members would have been down.
Boom! They pull into the night club parking lot.There they walked their cabs and equipment up the sidewalk into the clube and set up. Of course they contined  the argument up to the beginning of the music set. They had gained some audience members to listen and laugh. “ha ha nice butt crack!”.
All the audience at the same time was filling up the night club. People were mingling at the bar. Girls were in the restroom looking at their hair. Guys were taking dumps or breaking up their drugs in the mens room. They also were breaking up stuff in their parked cars.
The Narcobananas played a couple fast catchy songs. “raar rarrar arrew!” Nobody could really understand what they were saying, except for during the more melodic midpaced parts. Their trombone player even added some effect to their more “ska” breakdown parts. Those parts got the most easily danceable attendees to get into this groove.
DungeonMasterGuide4Cover.jpgYes the audience was either head bobbing or moving their upper torsos in a variety of ways. Most of the people here lived in the city and just wanted to see this band live in person. Their music is available to listen to online and with some live video footage. Most in attendance had learned about this group via some postings.
During the middle of the third song a grey spinning cyclone arose  and appeared in the middle of the audience. The smell of sulfur filled the room. People moved away from it and the band continued to play for a minute.
A red demon djinni popped out of this twister. He had a nasty smirk, sharp teeth, red skin crackling with electricity and with yellow eyes. He turned his head left and right, looking at the audience. Then he looked at the alter center stage with the band. The venue security looked nervous and slowly inched towards his demonic fellow.
It then started suffocating the audience members with its spreading and smothering radiant smoke attack. It was even nastier and deadlier than any homemade gas canisters. This smoke was emitting  perhaps, from it’s anus, finger tips, etc. Nobody knew! However the way it made people gag, keel over to heave, some plain standing with blue faces heaving, some with eyes bulging, etc. It ended with everyone dropping to the floor like flies. This process took less than a minute.
People tried to run from the club but the door handles ( the long door handles anyway) had scalding hot chains wrapped around them.  The screams they let out were reminiscent of that night club fire in Providence, RI involving Great White.
People received first degree burns when they touched them. Also some people were running so hard for the door they slammed into people whom just failed at their attempt at opening the doors. Both parties received burns from this, on the face, chest, arms, legs, etc. Sadly the ones whom tried to open the doors first got burnt again this way.
Next he went for the band on stage and stung them with jelly fish like stinging fingers and poisoned them. The stingers attacked the necks of all the men on the stage with quick precision. They points javelined into the necks in split seconds with sharp missle heat seeker accuracy.
Finally the djinni leaves the club with all (or most?) of the people inside deceased. A smirk on his face with lime green tinted sweat running down his (it’s?) forehead. The planet earth, especially U.S. cities are full of clowns, he feels, that need to be erased from the planet. So why not kill some planet hosts that he feels most people will not miss anyways?

The original plan was to look for body hosts for his macabre crew of killers. However he just decided to look around  and just enjoy the massacre he fulfilled for himself. Now it is time to find some other soul hosts, and quick before the police/authorities arrive.

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