Thursday, July 13, 2017

Media Hits #16 plus Side Notes

Time for summer weekend action!


I watched again, What Women Want, starring Mel Gibson. Good movie for a female driven romantic comedy. The Mel Gibson character could have used his powers to rule the world but caved into society pressures. He let the Helen Hunt character have the job while at the same time the movie glossed over the mention at the beginning of the movie how her character had a reputation as "a mean lizard woman" or something like that. Of course, this was easily and lazily overlooked because most women and leftists will just chalk this up as men in the corporate world belittling woman, so no effort required.

OK actually this movie sucked, but it had Mel Gibson posessing E.S.P. and he slept with this hot coffee shop girl played by Marisa Tomei.
(Painting by Arnold Friberg)


A Facebook friend posted pictures of this model. Forgot her name!